12 Futher Reading

If you’re looking for a place to learn more about R, then I’d recommend the GardenersOwn.co.uk website, which has some tutorials on basic statistics in R. There’s an almost infinite amount of questions and answers on various R topics on StackOverflow.com. In addition I’d also really recommend the following accounts on Twitter: R4DataScience, which is an account with the explicit purpose to make R more accessible. Related to this is also Thomas Mock, who organizes a weekly exercise, called TidyTuesday, which is a initiative where they share a public dataset, and invite all interested Twitter users to share their statistics and particularly their data visualizations. I’d also recommend following Hadley Wickham and Thomas Lin Pedersen. Both work for Rstudio, Hadley Wickham is the Chief Scientist and brain behind the {ggplot2} package. Both Hadley and Thomas work on the {tidyverse} package. Thomas is also interesting to follow for his genetive artwork, which he creates in part by using R. I’d also recommend checking the Twitter profile from our very own Dan Quintana, he posts little videos occasionally where he live codes to solve a certain problem. In that same category, I’d also recommend searching YouTube for tutorials. In particular live coding videos are useful since you can follow along in their thought and coding process.